Saturday, August 11, 2018

Documenting / bemer session 1

I have had a friend encouraging us to try bemer sessions on Dominic for months if not years.  We now have an opportunity to do so, 2x a week and Dominic’s first session was last night.  Bemer sessions are highly anti inflammatory.  We put the sensors around his head for brain inflammation. 

I immediately noticed a shift in compliance - he earned a trip to target for laying still and quiet with the session and I told him he had to pick a toy under $10.  He wanted something that was $40 and when I told him no, he didn’t argue. He found something else. 

Then last night it took a LONG time to get him to bed.  His appetite was down (it took almost 2 hours and he didn’t finish his favorite dinner - pizza), and he fought bedtime til almost 9 which for him is very late

His morning he had occupational therapy.  His therapist was nearly 20minutes early and I was still in the shower.  Dominic let her in and was completely compliant about starting therapy.  This is unusual. Usually we have to badger him to get him to start working.   The beginning of the session he was very verbal and communicated well.  Midway through, he started stimming pretty hard which for him looks like biting his forearm while maniacally laughing.

The increase in stimming is actually not surprising to me as a result to anti inflammatory treatment.  I am going to give him a footbath today and will report back on th  results.  

So for results from a first session, I am pleased and cautiously optimistic.  

 Random picture from it on Wednesday’s ot session where he made brownies - because where else would you store the whisk so as to not lose the yummy goodness?

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