We did whats call the Willbarger Protocol, which will take some getting used to for Dominic but overall i've heard wonderful things about it. We'll be doing it 4-5 times a day for 3 weeks and then as needed to soothe him.
Then he got to play in a swing that hung from a pivoting hook in the ceiling. Sensory kids apparently have a miswiring between their vestibular system and their visual system - what the OT said was that when you spin them in circles, they should get dizzy, and we should see his eyes doing a REM type movement for a few minutes immediately after spinning. WE do not, which is very common for sensory kids, and the goal is to keep spinning him one direction /stop / other direction / stop as often as possible to get his brain USED to working like that.
its fascinating stuff.
Tomorrow Rod takes him for speech therapy.
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