- Major behaviors w/the Captomer We gave it 3x on Friday nights and both Saturday and Sunday were bounce-off-the-walls, where’s the charcoal kind of days. Only charcoal didn’t help. We are returning it.
- Dominic’s speech jumped significantly after he got over the crud he had in Feb. One of three things has happened – either that fever he had was one of the “mythical” healing fevers, or the Vitamin A we added is a wow sup (side note, isn’t there a high Vit A protocol for the measles? I’ve always thought the initial injury for Dominic was measles component of the MMR…), or he just finally hit a sweet spot in his therapy/development.
- After our conversation about Evening Primrose Oil last time, I did some googling. What do you know about the combination of Evening Primrose Oil and GrapeSeed Extract? There’s been some buzz on Autismweb.com about that combination, with dosage of 500mg EPO + 100mg Grapeseed Extract 2x a day being amazing for speech.
Also am seeing people very exciting about L-Carnosine to increase speech.
We’d like to do a month trial of each of these unless you have any reservations.
- Last time we talked about our big wows being TNF-a inhibitors, and you said that’s great, but whats causing the overload of TNF-a. I’ve been digging, and what I’ve learned is that in general, pretty much anything can trigger TNF-a production: malignancy, infection or inflammation; under inflammation, external agents (toxins, trauma, medications etc), internal agents (autoimmune processes, allergic reactions etc).
But I also found This article in the Journal of Neuroscience March of 2005:
Differential Regulation of AMPA Receptor and GABA Receptor Trafficking by Tumor Necrosis Factor-
Which basically documents that TNF-a increases AMPA receptors and decreases GABA receptors causing a double whammy of excitability. (leading to the stims and other negative behaviors, plus the super high energy) So we’ve been supplementing GABA all this time… but now I am understanding that the need for GABA was potentially cause by a TNF-a damage.
Do we know how long TNF-a remains in the body after an injury? There seem to be so many options of things that probably increased Dominic’s levels of TNF-a – initial injurying virus, toxins (metals, environmental toxins, yeast die off), allergic reactions. Have we ruled out the big autoimmune illnesses ?
And here is the Data...
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