Monday, April 9, 2018

On cognition

Lets talk about something that’s rarely talked about in either of the factions of autism parents (the Neurodiversity tribe and the Biomed tribe).

Lets talk about cognition.

Now, to preface this discussion, remember, I don’t actually believe that Dominic has Autism. I believe that Dominic had hepatic encephalopathy as a result of the MMR vaccine (anything the virus causes, the vaccine can cause too – if you don’t believe me, google “does measles cause hepatitis” and “does measles cause encephalopathy” and see what you get); triggered by a cytokine storm from the influenza A variant in 2009.  That hepatic encephalopathy damaged his neurological pathways and wrecked havoc on his speech center.  I am not purporting that every child with an autism diagnosis has the same etiology, but I have personally sat in presentations by doctors who say that all autism is encephalopathy, so I’m confident we are not the only ones.

Both my husband and I are college educated, professionals.  I have, from childhood, used reading as escapism.  I’m a published author.  The concept of our child being illiterate at 13 and struggling to do first grade level math is so foreign to anything we ever thought that its been the one topic I don’t broach with blogs, etc.

He’s a very clever kid. He always has been somewhat of a Houdini, problem solving has always been one of the strengths we talk about.  You can see the gears in his head turning. But they don’t seem to turn for things that we consider basic like reading and addition/subtraction.  

Another friend of mine online asked in a group what the healthy thing to do was when you got an IQ test back on your child that showed their IQ was 40.   7 years ago, Dominic’s IQ tested at 42, so what I said was “When it happened here, I took that letter and shoved it back in the filing cabinet”.   My friend suggested I burn it. I told her it stays in the filing cabinet because I may need leverage with the school district someday.  She called me gangsta.   That in no way means that number on that piece of paper didn’t eviscerate me.

These kids like mine have neurological damage.  And we don’t talk about it.  They aren’t just in special ed classes to get sensory support and behavior management.   **

At my 20 year College reunion I caught up with a professor of mine and she asked what the likelihood of secondary education was for kids with autism, and I told her that for mine, I will be over the moon ecstatic to get him to the point where he can hold a minimum wage job and live independently.  That’s what we’re shooting for.  That’s what the majority of my friends are shooting for with their kids.   We are looking at 1 in 28 boys RIGHT NOW affected with autism and its projected to be 1 in 2 in less than 20 years.  Think hard for a minute what that is going to look like on a societal level.

1 in 2 young adults who cannot be in the military

1 in 2 young adults who can only ever possibly hope to be doing minimum wage jobs.

1 in 2 young adults who may never be allowed to get a drivers license. 

1 in 2 young adults who may require a 7x24 support person to live, who never move out of their parents house, who are institutionalized.

1 in 2 young adults who may never have families of their own

1 in 2 young adults who will be taking from social security from an early age, never contributing.


Do you get it yet? Do you understand why we are so vocally protesting mandated vaccination, gmo’s, chemtrails…. Our kids have already been sacrificed for the greater good / herd immunity.  We’re trying to protect yours.  We’re trying to ensure that your child doesn’t have the same bleak future that ours do.  Even bigger than that, we are trying to make sure that as a species we don’t kill ourselves off.  That we actually have a next generation.  Its that bleak.


**Yes, things here for us personally have taken a distinct turn for the better this year and I’ll tell you more about that tomorrow.



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