well, i've been delinquent in posting... here's the nutshell of the week
Wednesday - Bad round of speech therapy. He was NOT focused and barely got maybe half a dozen words out. He wouldn't sit still and even spat on the therapist. we were horrified. The Occupational therapy went real well, tho. He loves to play with the OT toys.
Allison, Maya, and Gavin came over to play and for dinner. Dominic did WAY better playing with Maya this time, and Allie and I decided that the last time that was so disastrous was because a. Shanti pulled Dominic down and he skinned his knee as they were getting out of the car which set him off, and b. we were kinda pushing them to play. This time we left them alone and they had a ball. dominic gave Maya HUGE hugs and kisses when they left.
thursdasy - we had an extra round of Speech therapy and it actually went remarkably better. I was relieved.
Friday - We were at Memorial hospital at 8:30am for Dominic's MRI. This time, at my insistance, they gave him Versed before the gas, and it made him completely chill. also made it take longer for him to wake up. All effects wore off by 2ish, and he played normally this afternoon
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