Monday, April 20, 2009

good little updates...

Small updates, but positive ones.

- Saturday night Rod and I went out to dinner (yay, a child free meal) and a movie, and when he realized we were laeving him with a babysitter he flung himself into Rod's arms crying "don't go". very clear. very appropriate. (and he did okay for the sitter, too)

- This weekend, can't remember when, he got in trouble for throwing Rod's books around, and got his hand smacked. He came running upstairs to me crying. I asked what was wrong, and he managed to get out "daddy... hand". So, actually that is very good.

- Today during the school therapist visit, she asked him a specific question and he CLEARLY shook his head no. HUGE step - one of his goals is to be able to independently - without prompt - communicate yes or no.


Anonymous said...

here is my email addy.. please add be to the other one...

Crystal said...

You guys are such awesome, patient parents! This is soooo awesome to hear that he's doing better. Things can only get better right! *ehugs*