Friday, December 25, 2009

And to all a good night....

I am tired, so this will be fairly stream of consciousness, but i'm overdue, so here goes.

We're having a good week. We started OSR in a tiny dose on monday, and so far don't really see anything. dominic had kind of a high energy morning, but that could be attributed to the nitrates in the salami we let him eat last night. His tummy is still a mess - no change at all from stinky explosive liquid poop. We hope to have the test results back from the last stool test and REALLY hope they find SOMETHING that is treatable. I stopped Vit. C as well, hoping maybe that was it. Nope.

Dominic made out for Christmas. Thank you to all who sent presents. He opened them last night with the inlaws over and had to sleep with his new cars from his buddy Logan.

As you can see, he is still doing the imaginative play. apparently the horse needed to be hitched.

The yes's continue. Little less today than the rest of the week, but that might be the nitrates. Might also be the OSR. No clue. We'll track it.

At the Alpine Christmas party on Wednesday, he had a major meltdown (because i was there for the family party, and me being there usually means its time to go, and it took a good half an hr for him to calm down). BUT, the therapists there all heard a TON of talking during that meltdown, mostly requests to leave. And they got to hear him say YES without pairing it with a noun, which they were all excited about.

Insurance is being... pesky... about the Oct claim. They have it under review. So frankly at this point, I'll be glad to get anything they send, and everything they send will go directly to his therapy. For now, we've committed to keeping him there all of 2010 and HOPE to be able to continue through the end of Aug 2011, then segue him into all day first grade. We'll see. We'll hope.

Christmas eve and day, the entire extended family came over and some friends, so we had 8 for dinner last night and 10 today. Dominic did SO WELL compared to last year. Last year, he would barely interact, and in fact ran off crying when his cousin tried to sit with him. This year, they played really well the whole time.

Here he is putting together a HUGE floor puzzle of Nemo.

Here he is hamming it up with his cousin.

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