We had an excellent appointment. In the 2 1/2 months since we last saw him, Dominic has gained 2 1/2 pounds (i knew he was eating a lot), AND grown an inch. He's now up to 47.5lbs and 46in. Overall, Dr K is thrilled with how Dominic is doing and fully supports our decision to do another high intensity round of HBOT before we go to maintenance. We start our high intensity HBOT in December.
We talked about the behavior side effects of the chelex, and are theorizing that its a result of the high load of garlic (which he's moderately IgG allergic to). We will finish this week w/Chelex to give us 5 weeks, and do a provoked toxic metals urine collection this weekend. Then we are stopping chelex for a few weeks (he said 2, I'm thinking we'll just stop for the remainder of November) and see what happens with the behaviors. if they decline, we won't readd it, instead we'll look at the toxic metals results and decide if we should try the next in line, straight EDTA. Next weekend, we'll go have the blood drawn for a fresh food allergy panel to see what we see. Its been almost 2 years since the last one anyway.
We're tweaking supplements a little - increasing Vit D3 to 3000iu per day, removing Olive oil and adding a different fish oil (on top of the cod liver oil). We're going to up the DMG to 250mg/day from 125. We'll do all three of these starting this weekend and get him stabled out on them this month. Then December we will add in Neuroprotek and make no other supplement changes. Anecdotal reports from the internet are saying people see reesults in the first couple of weeks of better focus, better eye contact, fewer stims.
Jan 1, we'll do another NutraEval test, and mid Feb, we'll see Dr K again to review how we're doing.
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