Friday, September 9, 2011

I know it looks all thrown together... but really, its organized.

Everything is sorted, priced, and labelled. And ready to be schlepped to the driveway at 7am tomorrow. YArdsale starts at 8. Whew.

Garage facing out:

Garage from the kitchen door

Living room, Rocker and computer and tray table are NOT going out.  most everything else is

As much of an aerial view as i could get.


We continue to fight the yeast beast in Dominic's gut.  I had another appointment with Donna, and we're going to be very aggressive since I still hadn't been able to get him having fewer than 2 bm's per day.   Massive antifungals for 10 days, and if at the end of that time he's not going one time or less per day, then we'll probably increase the dose (for reference, we're already at the high end of what she gives adults).  If all is good, we will go down to 2/3 of that dose for 5 days, and then if still good, we'll go down to 1/3 of that dose for 8 weeks.   If at any time he has a second BM during the day, we will immediately go back up to the full dose for a few days.

She promises me this will clear out the yeast and his behavior/speech will improve.  Last night was the first night at the high dose, and today his Alpine therapists told me a couple of interesting things

1.  He had foul gas.  I'm guessing its die off related, which makes sense

2.  He was exceptionally chatty and engaged, even tho compliance and focus were not the best.  Some examples:  one of his reinforcers is for the therapist to give him a very animated "YAY", and at one point during the day he actually said "I Want YAY".   He's been working on social ID questions, and the current one is When is your birthday.  His therapist actually got "February 11" out of him, with the /f/ sound, which is ASTONISHING.


Hey, LOOK.  Isn't this what I've been saying was Dominic's issue from the get-go.  Wakefield was NOT a crackpot.

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