Monday, May 21, 2012

This, that, and the other thing

 This –

We had our regular monthly Alpine parent meeting today and it went very well. Dominic’s behaviors have improved significantly since our last meeting, he’s making good progress on all programs except for numbers, and verbals are holding steady.  The list of things that D11 gave me to have Alpine focus on this summer include numbers (both receptive/expressively identifying them and counting), basic writing, and the sight reading program that they’ll start.  I did show them Dominic’s end of year ABBLS and they were quite impressed.

That -

All parties now agree that putting Dominic into the YMCA summer camp the week of July 4 would be awesome for him socially.  They also think that, with proper preparation of the staff by us to make sure he’s either line of sight to a counselor or buddied up with an older child, he’d be perfectly safe.   I’m going to call again and talk some more with the camp director, and set up a meeting for us to go talk with her in person to make sure we feel warm and fuzzy.  I will also try to find out exact plans for that week with regard to field trips.

The other thing –

I’ve been doing more reading on these energy patch thingies, since we’ll be starting them this coming weekend.  They are actually called digital homeopathy, and here’s some interesting reading on them.The actual program we’d be doing is “Dr. Richard Hunts Medical Bioresonance Evaluative and Aura Patch System" Its very interesting to read, we’ll see what it does for Dominic.  I’ve been hearing buzz from other parents on a program called Homotoxicology, which is something that we may look into down the road as well.

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