Thursday, September 6, 2012

School Update

I checked in with both our SPED and the school counselor today to see how things were going for Dominic and on the FBA the counselor is doing (functional behavior analysis).

Both said things are great – the SPED advised that they’ve implemented natural consequences (eg, if he won’t sit still to do his work, they take him to the resource room and he has to sit quietly with his hands folded for 2 minutes on the timer – they have only had to do that once, last week, and it took him about 15 minutes before he did 2 minutes because time was restarted if he waved his hands or got up, but he got it and has been great all this week). He has started working with his afternoon para, and he apparently adores her. Sending a snack in the afternoon has helped as well. He’s fully integrated for specials (music, art, PE) tho they are easing him in 15 min or so after they start (to get past the instructional time and into the doing time… they’ll keep playing with that and eventually he’ll be in the whole day), and is doing his own work at the back of the 2nd grade classroom at a large table. Other kids know him (from the last 2 years) and come by frequently to chat or get help from his para. So I’m happy he’s getting the socialization. I think the natural consequence are going to be far more effective than the last couple of strategies Alpine was using. Either that or it really was the chemicals from Alpine’s fire remediation that triggered the behaviors and he got used to them be somewhat acceptable over there – and now has gotten the message that they’re not acceptable in the D11 building. Time will tell.

The FBA is underway, but the counselor advised she hasn’t seen any behaviors to analyze yet this week when she’s observed him in the classroom. She’ll observe for a full month.

So, good progress this week over last.

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