Sunday, April 28, 2013

GFCF Kitchen, the Weekend

People have a really REALLY hard time when they hear that the first step to recovering their child is the diet. They get completely turned around themselves when they hear No Gluten, no Dairy and No Soy is the starting point. And so one of the wonderful ladies on a facebook group i spend a LOT of time with suggested that it might help if we could all write out what they CAN feed their children. This week I’m running a series of posts as is my contribution to that effort. It is an example week in my kitchen. Now, keep in mind I work all week and so much of my prep work happens on the weekends.


These meals are GFCF for Dominic, and oftentimes i'll have a non GFCF side for Rod or I. But always have the GFCF for Dominic.



Jimmy Dean Nitrate / Nitrite free sausage patty

I buy these in Bulk from Costco and cook them probably once every 3 weeks in the oven. I freeze the patties and reheat them for Dominic, 60 seconds in the microwave

Bob's RedMill Gluten Free Oatmeal

This is cheapest bought on Amazon.  You put ½ C oatmeal and 1C water in a very large glass bowl and microwave for 3 minutes.

Piece of fresh Fruit


Morning Prep Work for Dinner tonight:

Into the Crockpot - 1 large beef chuck roast, cover in red wine (or homemade beef broth or water), onions, carrots, celery and water. set on high and let go all day.  Scrub potatoes and set aside.

Snack for Dominic

Fresh Fruit, Raw Veggies, Nuts, tortilla chips are all in rotation here. Generally whatever he’d like.

Lunch (if not leftovers from the night before)

Sunbutter and Jelly sandwich on GFCF Bread (Udi's brand)

Sliced cucumbers,carrots, celery

Tortilla chips

Snack for Dominic

Fresh Fruit, Raw Veggies, Nuts, tortilla chips are all in rotation here. Generally whatever he’d like.


Roast Beef and veggies from the crockpot

            Save the liquid (strain and freeze, labelled beef broth). Shred the meat.

Baked Potatoes

            Use Coconut oil instead of butter.

Steamed green veggies (asparagus, zucchini, green beans, peas, etc)

            Season with salt and pepper and coconut oil


Breakfast in Bed

homemade hashbrowns

Start your bacon frying in a large skillet.  While that’s going, clean and shred raw peeled potatoes in the food processor, I do 2 small or 1 large potato per person.  Squeeze as much liquid out of them as you can.  Pull the bacon out of the pan and set aside (its not cooked yet, you just wanted the flavor), and put the potatoes in.  This works best in a well seasoned cast iron skillet.  Stir frequently until the potatoes are crispy and brown all over. (45min or so)

Put it in another skillet to finish it. When done, set on papertowels to drain, wipe
the skillet and use it to scramble your eggs.

Scrambled eggs,
Stir the eggs up with salt and pepper (NO DAIRY) before scrambling.  I always pull Dominic’s out first and  put cheese on whats left for Rod and I.

Snack for Dominic

Fresh Fruit, Raw Veggies, Nuts, tortilla chips are all in rotation here. Generally whatever he’d like.


Dinner leftovers

Snack for Dominic

Fresh Fruit, Raw Veggies, Nuts, tortilla chips are all in rotation here. Generally whatever he’d like.


Mixed grill
Hamburgers, chicken breasts (marinade in olive oil, garlic, chipotle pepper), GFCF hot dogs, chicken legs (sprinkle with salt,pepper, garlic). We grill enough for a small army and freeze leftovers immediately.

Big green salad

Brown rice (cooked in homemade chicken broth instead of water and topped with toasted almonds)

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