Friday, September 20, 2013


Today was a really good day for Dominic.

We started with him completely behaving while we applied for passports at the post office.  He sat on the floor at my feet and played with my phone and his cars.  I'm now hoping that the govt. doesn't shut down because if it does they might not process the applications...

Then I took Dominic with me to a colleagues house for a work team building.  He had no school today.   Said colleague has a trampoline and Dominic jumped on it for easily 3 of the 4 hours we were there.  The other hour he spent trying to get the dog to play chase.  The dog wore out long before he did.

We left late afternoon, and came home.  I put leftover food in the fridge, and set the cooler, with melting ice on the back porch.  WE all know how much Dominic LOVES to play with water... he's been out there now for an hour... first he was just fishing out ice cubes and playing with them

But the next time I came out, he'd scooped a handful of toy ocean creatures (octopus, dolphin, turtle, etc) into a baggie, added water, and told me they were fish. 

That would qualify as imaginative play, thank you very much.

1 comment:

MargieK said...

So glad to find you! The last few times I've stopped by, it appeared that your blog had become password-protected. I was going to check to see if I still had your e-mail so I could inquire about that.

It is heart-warming to see all the progress Dominic is making. I know it has not been without a lot of patience and hard work on your part.

Margie in Fort Collins