Friday, September 22, 2017

duck hurt

Another one for the #whatjusthappened files...

As you all know, one of Dominic's jobs is to put the ducks to bed at night, and take them out of bed in the morning. It is his special job and he's been doing it since the ducks have had their house. Tonight I sent him out to put them to bed as per usual, and when he came back and he was very concerned and he kept repeatedly telling me, "duck hurt, Duck hurt".

I blew it off as just repetitive speech, until I saw that he actually had blood spots on his arms. I had him wash his hands and arms, and then I had him show me what happened. We went out to the duck pen, I opened up the door and I said "Dominic, go get me the duck that's hurt."

First he pulled one out, looked at her, put her back. Then he pulled another one out, looked at her, and brought her to me. And yes in fact she was hurt. She had a broken blood feather in her wing, and was bleeding.

From our experience in raising parakeets and cockatiels many years ago, I already knew that when you have a broken blood feather you either pull it, or you put flour on it to stop the bleeding.  I didn't really want to deal with pulling a blood feather tonight so we put flour on it. The duck Is fine, Dominic is fine, and everybody worked together.

I cannot emphasize to you enough how remarkable it is that number one, Dominic realized that the duck was hurt. And even bigger he was able to communicate it to me!

This is the kind of thing that would never have happened even one year ago.  

And now - he is repetitively telling me "duck feel better now"

1 comment:

Debra said...

I think to some who perhaps have not been following Dominic this might seem fairly insignificant.
I have missed some blogs yet have read enough to know this is BIG!
What an inspiration the two of you are and what an amazing journey. From my bed late at night, I read and cheer the both of you on.
Thank you.