Thursday, April 26, 2018

Well, cool

Yesterday evening during occupational therapy, Dominic was incredibly productive. First he did the chores that I had asked him to do before she arrived – including picking up the dog poop outside and folding his laundry. Then they came upstairs to work on fine motor and Dominic got really excited to make dinner. Only Wednesday is not dinner night. Monday is. So Dominic decided that he wanted to make the gluten-free dairy free macaroni and cheese as a reinforcer for doing his handwriting practice. He wrote his name in cursive six times, doing pretty well, and then he made himself dinner.   (The upper left is his model)

When I texted his classroom teacher to let her know that we have graduated from tracing a hayu later to do his cursive name to choosing just a model, she sent me the following link and asked if we’d seen it. Turns out the news was it Dominic’s school and he was on tv!

And then she and I had this conversation - we had told her that if state testing caused any undue stress I would
Immediately come sign the form exempting him:

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