Wednesday, October 14, 2009

What a good couple of days.

Yesterday and today both, Dominic rocked the therapy at Alpine – yesterday with a record of 124 words in his session, and today with 115. Today he was “perfect” for eye contact, which means that every time his name was called, he gave at least a 2 second glance. He also several times responded to his name being called with a “what”

Then today in OT, he was the most sociable and chatty that the therapist had ever seen him.

We’re definitely on an upswing.

We did just get the September report from Alpine, and overall it was good – another notable increase in speech (and with the numbers we’re seeing now, I’m excited to see the October report). Behaviors are still mostly under control. Programs are being mastered like crazy. He’s making good progress. He’s added a 4th therapist to his lineup, and I’m thrilled to still be seeing such good progress. Normally a new therapist makes him try to be all manipulative.

Remember, we started the gut stuff – adding oil of oregano (for bacteria), aloe juice, and cytoflora in late August, phasing it in, and ramping it up slowly. He’s been on the full dosage of everything now since Sept 18, and we switched the dosage around so he was getting it all the cytoflora a little before dinner about a week later. So we’ve been holding steady on the instestinal mending sup’s for almost a month. The frequency of yeastie looking poop is decreasing. He had some today for the first time in 7 days and before that it was 5 days. Before that we were at about every other day. So progress, definitely.

And as an extra bonus, we just got direct depost from insurance for 70% of August's Alpine claim. fun stuff.

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