Tuesday, July 13, 2010

June Data....

Which we have been waiting for with bated breath. The overall report was really good too, with progress in a number of programs. But its the speech data ya'll are interested in... so here goes...

In order to keep this relative, since he's been full days all summer, I divided everything in half so that we're only representing the same amount of time as we were for the previous recorded data.

Tacting is labelling. We knew it'd gone through the roof, but this is pretty cool

Manding is requesting - not as big a jump as labelling, but percentage wise still probably 15% increase from May numbers...

And Free Operant pairing is any verbal attempt. Also a nice increase.

I am not expecting a huge increase in July, since we didn't take data the first week, and since there are 3 field trip days for which data will only be partially taken, and since 2 weeks will have no HBOT. I am hoping we stay even in July, instead of seeing a drop. So we'll see. Either way, these are exciting numbers. To put in perspective, tho, we're still dealing with a speech level of someone just under age 2. So a long way to go... but at least we're going....

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