This is my third year attending this conference, and while it has been different every year I really enjoyed getting to catch up with everything and everyone. Highlights this year including getting my own live blood cell analysis, speaking in the footbath presentation even though I hate speaking in public, and spending a lot of time with the team TMR and thinking moms revolution ladies. It's truly a privilege to be around such astonishingly powerful women.
Here are some random pictures from the weekend
With the amazingly strong and compassionate Karen Kain who lost her daughter to vaccine injury, who reminds us every day that we have to take care of ourselves
This is Lonestar, one of my TEAM TMR sisters and one of the leaders of Texans for vaccine choice - she has spearheaded the drive to kill all the vaccine bills in Texas and we are sending her to DC next
More TEAM TMR. Mamas
TEAM mamas
And this is Count, the lone dad in the Thinking moms revolution. He took pity on my hungry self and brought me chicken wings for lunch on Friday when I worked 10- 2 in the TMR lounge.
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