Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Homage to the sisterhood

(Ed note:  I am rerunning favorite blog posts while I am at AutismOne This year. I hope you enjoy)

I have opined many times about the irony of this thing called Autism bringing me the closest friends I've ever have. I suppose this most is more of the same, and its been on my mind a lot lately.

These are the ladies who, as I post the gains Dominic is making with the various protocols we are doing, cheer us on from afar.  They cry rivers of happy tears for us.  They call me squealing in giddiness!  They have helped troubleshoot when things haven't gone so well.

They are the ladies who, when DH was in the hospital last fall, filled my fridge, babysat, moved into my house to support me, sent chocolate  from afar (bacon chocolate, chocolate cupcakes, chocolate bars.. so much chocolate), stayed online with me around the clock (in fairness, some of them are on the other side of the world) when i couldn't sleep, talked me out of panic, sat on facetime with me because I didn't want to be alone, and kept me sane.   Their support of someone who was essentially a stranger (some i've met at conference, many i have not) moved me in ways that are completely indescribable.

They are the ladies who make suggestions of things that might help (the footbaths - that came from one of them... ).

We regularly have virtual happy hours where we sit online and chat with a glass of whatever we feel like. 


They are the ones who "get" the inchstones.   
They are the bravest moms I know - willing to walk through fire for each other.  And fiercely fighting for their children.

And, as we recover, I know that I will never not be a part of them and I would walk through fire for them.

This ones for my girls. xox

1 comment:

Maryann said...

We love you. And you love us.