Wednesday, September 30, 2015

IonCleanse by AMD - Month 9 results

It just keeps on coming.  The little things are stacking up and the inchstones are turning into foot-stones and yard- stones.  Soon they will be milestones.

So.  What has month 9 brought us?

Dominic has been nearly completely screen free all month.  We started that the beginning of September - we removed all video games from his life and reduced his TV time down to less than half an hour a day most days.  We did instigate a weekend family movie afternoon twice this month and will probably keep it up at that rate.  After we finish the Harry Potter series, we are going to start the original star wars trilogy.

Dominic was able to attend to the instructions for the primitive reflex integration testing.  Which led us down a track of validating what I've said for years about a left hemisphere brain injury. It feels good to be validated. 

He LEARNED HOW TO SWING!!  And he loves it.

We have attended cub scout meetings all month even though we are conflicted on them.   Tonight (Sept 30), he will receive his bobcat badge for saying the scout law and oath.  Its kind of a big deal.  Look for pictures tomorrow.

He loves bedtime story now.  He used to not even allow it.  Now... he joins in.

He has a crush on a girl AND has totally left the very breakable halloween decorations alone.

From Facebook on Sept 29 -so I didn't even blog it...
"Daddy was getting ready to leave for work when Dominic announced that Kama (our standard poodle) was "Dirty" and needed a "Baf". By the time I said goodbye to my husband I was hearing water running. Fearing for my bathroom... i went to supervise. Kiddo had Kama's collar off, the dog in the bathtub, filling the tub, and rinsing the dog with a cup of water. i supervised the soap part and Dominic did the rest."

AND he asked for help hanging the towel over the shower curtain rod because he cannot reach it.  "Mommy, Hang it up"

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